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1mL Disposable Sampling Tube Viral Transport Medium Tube With Swab

1mL Disposable Sampling Tube Viral Transport Medium Tube With Swab



1 After the pathogenic bacteria specimens are collected, the disposable sampling cotton swab should be completely inserted into the preservation solution to maximize the retention of the pathogenic bacteria.


2 The collected specimens must be fresh and sent for inspection in time to avoid the death of pathogenic bacteria.


3 It is forbidden to use products with damaged packaging and expired expiry date to prevent pollution.


Note: This single-use virus sampling tube is used for in vitro diagnostic purposes, and cannot be used for internal or external use in humans or animals. Ruotun

Eating can cause serious events: it is irritating to the eyes and skin. If it accidentally splashes into the eyes, rinse with water.

Packing specification:

20 servings/box, 50 servings/box, 100 servings/box

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Product Details:

Place of Origin: China
Certification: ISO13485,NMPA,

1mL Disposable Sampling Tube Viral Transport Medium Tube With Swab


Model 1: CYB-F005-00(1mL) Model 2: CYB-F005-10(2mL)
Model 3: CYB-F005-20(3mL) Model 4: CY- B-F005-30(5mL)
Model 5: CY-B-F005-40(10mL) Model 6: CY-B-F005-50(20mL)
High Light:

1mL Disposable Sampling Tube


2mL Disposable Sampling Tube


Viral Transport Medium Tube With Swab


1mL Disposable Sampling Tube Viral Transport Medium Tube With Swab


Product introduction:


The non-inactivated virus preservation solution contains a variety of solution components that are conducive to virus cell culture, which can ensure the integrity of the virus and help increase the survival time and stability of the virus.


Product features:


[Characteristics of non-inactivated virus preservation solution]

① The integrity of the virus stored in the non-inactivated virus preservation solution is better, and the detection rate is higher. In addition to nucleic acid detection, it can also be used for other research;


② The non-inactivated virus storage solution can be stored at low temperature and non-frozen without damaging the outer shell of the virus, which is convenient for long-distance transportation;


③ It can be used for H1N1 influenza virus and any other viruses that can be used for swab sampling;


④ The antibiotics in the preservation solution can effectively prevent bacterial and fungal infections;


⑤ BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) is added to the preservation solution, which can protect the virus sample and increase the separation rate.


Product Usage:


It is used for the collection, transportation and storage of virus samples such as influenza, avian influenza, coronavirus, etc. for subsequent extraction and amplification.



product instructions:


1 Before sampling, mark relevant information on the label of the sampling tube.


2 Use the corresponding sampling cotton swab to sample.


3 After sampling, quickly put the cotton swab into the sampling tube, break off the part higher than the sampling tube, and tighten the tube cap.


4 The specific sampling method is as follows:


a) Nasal swab: Gently insert the sampling head into the nasal palate in the nasal passage, leave it for a while, slowly turn to exit, immerse the collected specimen in the sampling solution, break the extra part and discard it, and tighten the sampling tube cover.


b) Pharyngeal swab: Use the sampling head to wipe the bilateral pharyngeal tonsils and the posterior wall of the pharynx, immerse the collected specimen in the sampling solution, break the extra part and discard it, and tighten the cap of the sampling tube.


C) Sampling of mycoplasma, chlamydia, and ureaplasma specimens: male: insert the sampling head into the urethra about 2cm and rotate, and stay the piece


Exit after a moment and immerse the collected specimen in the sampling solution. Female: Wipe off the cervical mucus, insert the sampling head into the cervical canal 1-2cm for sampling, immerse the collected specimen in the sampling solution, break the extra part and discard it, and tighten the sampling tube cover.




1 After the pathogenic bacteria specimens are collected, the disposable sampling cotton swab should be completely inserted into the preservation solution to maximize the retention of the pathogenic bacteria.


2 The collected specimens must be fresh and sent for inspection in time to avoid the death of pathogenic bacteria.


3 It is forbidden to use products with damaged packaging and expired expiry date to prevent pollution.


Note: This single-use virus sampling tube is used for in vitro diagnostic purposes, and cannot be used for internal or external use in humans or animals. Ruotun

Eating can cause serious events: it is irritating to the eyes and skin. If it accidentally splashes into the eyes, rinse with water.

Packing specification:

20 servings/box, 50 servings/box, 100 servings/box


Sample requirements:


The collected specimens should be sent to the laboratory within 48 hours at 2-8°C. If they cannot be sent to the laboratory within 48 hours, they should be stored at -70°C or below. Specimens should be inoculated and separated as soon as possible after they are sent to the laboratory. They can be stored at 2-8°C within 48 hours after inoculation and separation. If it is not inoculated and separated in time, it should be stored at -70℃ or lower for storage.


Specification model CYB-F005-00(1mL)
Specification model CYB-F005-10(2mL)
Specification model CYB-F005-20(3mL)
Specification model CY- B-F005-30(5mL)
Specification model CY-B-F005-40(10mL)
Specification model CY-B-F005-50(20mL)


Storage conditions and validity period:


1 The product should be stored in a clean, hygienic, dry and ventilated environment


2The temperature is 5℃~35℃


3Relative humidity<85%RH


4Product shelf life: 12 months

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1mL Disposable Sampling Tube Viral Transport Medium Tube With Swab1mL Disposable Sampling Tube Viral Transport Medium Tube With Swab

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